
Well he surprised me that's for sure! Mikey told me on Sunday that he had to take his truck up to Iowa City and drop it off 'for his dad' and then Monday night- our date night- he said he couldn't pick me up til 6:30 because he had to 'do some stuff for his Pap (Grandpa)'. And like the trusting girlfriend I am, I didn't get suspicious or ask questions. I just shrugged it off and went on like business as usual! On Monday I got ready to go at 6:30 and he texted and told me he was here so I went and beat him to the door, walked out onto the porch...and saw a huge white limo sitting in our muddy graveled driveway. I felt my face freeze up and all the words that usually flood my brain evaporate. I ran through dozens of reactions in my brain before I meekly entered the limo and sat on the leather seats, sort of laughing. I had been a little irked that he hadn't made any plans for this, our 6-month anniversary and first 'official' (since he asked my dad about it) date. But I wasn't gonna mope about that, I just made sure we would go eat someplace good and then either shop or hit a movie afterwards. Good enough for me! Apparently guys surprise you only when you stop caring. No one's EVER done anything like that for me before, so I was kind of on cloud nine. I gave him his Ipod on the way up, not feeling ridiculous about spending so much any more! Once we got to the restaurant- Outback steakhouse, yum- there were these Amish girls sitting on a bench ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the limo. That cracked us up! The food was great, I got ribs and he got steak and we shared. Then we went shopping and he insisted on buying me something so I found some AWEsome purple pants, which were buy 1 get 1 free so I got pink ones too! We ended up at Barnes and Noble's, where I could probably LIVE if allowed. He went down and pulled the truck around while I found 2 books I wanted to read so I bought them. He was mad that I didn't wait and let him buy them, because I wasn't supposed to spend my money, which I said was sexist and he had bought me enough, anyways. He drove me home and I said see ya Wednesday, to which he replied "Dang it!" Apparently he's not sick of me after all these long months :)
April 17, 2009 at 6:59 AM
Aw, what a sweetie! Sounds like so much fun.
April 19, 2009 at 9:21 AM
He's way too good to me! It was a blast. We decided to top that off he's gonna need a helicopter :)
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