Have you ever accidentally hit the gas pedal
Instead of the brakes?
Suddenly you’re surging forward
When you meant to slow down
The car jerks ahead and your brain gets confused
It’s the strongest sensation ever
The damage will be inevitable
For once you lunge forward
It’s hard to brake than keep going aimlessly
Harder still to reverse than break
Yet our instincts propel us to go back
Knowing the danger that can be caused
When you mean to slow down and find yourself speeding up
Careening towards a certain doom and terror
I’ve got to slam on my brakes
Instead of speeding towards that cliff
Instead of the brakes?
Suddenly you’re surging forward
When you meant to slow down
The car jerks ahead and your brain gets confused
It’s the strongest sensation ever
The damage will be inevitable
For once you lunge forward
It’s hard to brake than keep going aimlessly
Harder still to reverse than break
Yet our instincts propel us to go back
Knowing the danger that can be caused
When you mean to slow down and find yourself speeding up
Careening towards a certain doom and terror
I’ve got to slam on my brakes
Instead of speeding towards that cliff

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