You & I Collide

There it is again- the clash
Where everything I say
Seems to be the opposite of what you want to hear
There it is again- the laugh
Where everything we do
Produces endless endorphins
And all I know is I need you
Despite the clash of our opinions
Where what we believe is constantly tested
What I am sure of is our chemistry
The unshakable bond between us
That we all-too-often forget
So take my hand and wander back
Slipping into a time when things weren't complicated
Forget about forever right now
Focus on what's right in front of you
Maybe then the laugh will shatter the clash

Giving Up

It starts off so reasonably
I sound so at ease
And you're so irritable
It makes me want to scream
How did we end up like this?
Are you really so stubborn?
Am I really so annoying

For wanting to make my own decisions?
Where do you get off
Telling me what I can and can't do
While expecting me to be happy
And you watch as I do everything for you
I give you everything I have
And you shove your hands into bare pockets
Sigh and walk away
Because you're UNSURE of me
Yes, that makes sense
In your twisted universe
I'm so tired of giving and not getting
Of your looks that ask what's wrong
When the answer's in your mirror
And I'm just miserable
Because the man I love
Is impossible to please
And if there's an answer to our issues
It's buried deep in the ground for now


I wonder if there's somebody for everyone
A person who, through no fault of theirs
And no intention of your own,
Is achingly perfect for you
Their every glance makes you grin
Looking into their eyes gives you butterflies
That fly up into your brain and explode
Making you dizzy and giddy
And soon, being around that person is all you can think about
All you desire out of life is to hear them laugh
Their touch sends shockwaves through you
And when they're around, life feels complete
What happens when you lose that person
And realize you've got to live without them somehow?

I wonder if my thoughts of him will ever cease
I wonder if imagining life as it could've been
Will ever NOT make me cry, in time
And if those dreams of him will fade
And with them, all that's left of my heart

What's the use of having a heart
If you're too afraid to use it?