
I found my soul mate
I found a guy who wants to show me off when I’m wearing sweats
A guy who follows me around because he wants to be near me
A guy who’s always there when I need something
No matter how ridiculous it is
A guy who indulges me constantly
A guy who thinks that what I’m thinking is important
More important than anything else, even
A guy who sees my bad side and says he has one too
He gets jealous when other guys even LOOK at me
Wants to wrap me up and tell them to stay away
He lets me dream of the ocean, of moving far away
Because, he says, he’d follow me anywhere
He’d drive hours if it meant doing me a favor
He’d buy me everything I touched if I let him
He’d sit beside me forever, not doing anything
So long as I’m there, he is
And he’s happy just to hear my voice, to see my face
I know
Not just because he tells me endlessly
But because I feel the exact same way
He loves me, despite my flaws that he brushes away
Despite my mood swings and temper
My confusing ways that annoy him sometimes
The way I just cannot be honest
He pushes it all aside
Knowing he has frustrating ways too
And smiles at me, so happy
Just to be in love
With all its ups and downs
Its highs are always higher than the lows are low
All I know now is that being beside him
Is my favorite place to be


Well last night was graduation at Suburban Heights Christian School/Church! It was a blast for sure. I got there early, gave Brycia 4 roses and Lisa some chocolates. Now these two girls mean THE WORLD to me, they really do. I love them like little sisters and I try to take care of them whenever I can! Lisa's my neighbor on my dusty gravel road and she's one of the funniest, kindest, loving, strangest girls you'll ever know. I've known her forever and hope we'll be friends for that long too! Brycia's my bestie, my constant in an ever-shifting world. We talk on the phone all the time, for hours, and this fall we're going to college together and I'll be living with her, yay! She's beautiful, always ready to laugh or be laughed at, energetic and an amazing friend. I graduated from this school last year, but I almost had MORE fun watching some of my best friends go down the aisle instead of me! Jake gave a funny ad-libbed speech, Brycia, Lisa and Hannah sang some beautiful songs and Pastor Parker gave a message. We all went to a reception downstairs afterwards and ate sandwiches and cake, took a ton of pictures and tried to talk to everyone there. Then I headed to Pizza Hut with the Dice's and Brycia came along later. We ate more food, talked and laughed some then I went with Mike and Stephen to the Dice's to watch Taken. By the time I got home it was 5 minutes to 1 a.m.! I was so dead, felt like I'd gone to prom or something. But it was an amazing evening and so much FUN!

Summertime and the living is easy

Bare feet and lawnmowers mean it's time for summer to begin! Or at least spring. There are flowers everywhere and it all smells heavenly after a winter that didn't want to go away! I played with my dogs all day even though it's still pretty wet outside. Jill came over so we had a lovely Saturday of eating cookies, trading clothes, running through the lawn and playing with our animals. I love warm weather!
Jade running to me

Wildflowers are the best!

Bare feet = summer for me!

Awesome buds

Flowers are everywhere, it's great!


Stalking my family

Love the water right now

Playing with my girls

Daisy eating flowers

Thursday giving me dandelions

Coolest bumper sticker ever!
Dad mowing- yeehaw!
My oldest, bestest friend

I like the blanket of flower petals beside Jade
SUCH a pretty tree!